Friday, July 14, 2017

Cali Girl Celebration at Universal Studios

Red carpet for this Cali girl!

I hope the minion doesn't mind that my booty is on his head!

Vanilla Bean Frapp cheers!

Selfies on the tram!

Danni got her face painted...

Cutest bunny around!

She asked for a crown with bunny ears!

Posing with the inmate minion!

Mommy and Danni got to stay late for the after hours party!  They had all of the rides to themselves!
One of the best cookie rewards is the Cali Girl celebration.  Girls who sell 750 boxes of cookies get to go (with a chaperone) to Universal Studios for the day.  (Daddy and I tagged along to make it a fun family affair!!)  While they are there, they get a yummy catered barbecue lunch (complete with a DJ, dancing, a face painter, and a balloon artist) and, when the park closes to the general public at 8 p.m., they get to stay at an exclusive party until 1 a.m. ... all of the rides on the top lot are open, and the food places are all open for the girls to get all of the free food they can hold!  They also had a VIP dance party for the girls too!!  Even though it was an exhausting day, it was SO much fun!  I hope Danni works hard next year so that we can have another visit to Universal!!

To Grandma's House We Go!

Road Trip dinners are the best!

Road trip naps are nice too!

T-Mobile Tuesday Swag!

S'mores crepe for dessert with Grandma!

She dug right in!

Grandma and her crazies!

Mommy dyed Danni's hair teal in the hotel room!!  She didn't spill (much!)

Mermaid hair!

We love going bowling!

Bowling with our cousin Deep.

Grandma with all of her grandbabies!

Dinner with the cousins!

Cookie ice cream sandwiches for dessert!

We visited a super cool Exploratorium.  Don't worry, this isn't a real toilet!
Our first trip of the summer was to visit Grandma up in Oakland.  It was a long drive to get there, but Danni and I have become great road trippers!  We read, sang along to KidzBop songs, and played our iPads to pass the time.  Once we got to Oakland, we got to hang our with Grandma and our cousins every day!  Grandma has a yummy crepe place right next door to her apartment building that we REALLY enjoyed eating at.  Grandma and I especially enjoyed the s'mores crepe!!!  Danni and I had fun playing outside with our cousins at their house... we also went bowling together and out to eat a lot!!  I sure wish we lived closer to Grandma and our cousins... we love all of them and have so much fun when we visit!!  We will be back soon!!!

Our First Concert!

I spotted the KidzBop bus in the parking lot and knew something was up!

Our seats were SO close to the stage!!!

She wasn't super into it.

At "recess"  (also known as intermission!)
Mommy and Daddy surprised us with tickets to KidzBop -- they are a kids' band and they sing clean versions of all the popular songs.  Mommy found out that they would be performing at the Honda Center, so she snapped up some great tickets for us that were really close to the stage.  At the concert, the kids sang all of our favorite songs. We got to hit beach balls around and we danced along to the music!  I had a really good time, but it took Danni awhile to warm up.  She thought the music was too loud.  I hope that we get to go to a lot more concerts in the future!!!

Happy Birthday, Danni!!!

Starting the day with a birthday donut!

8 is GREAT!!

I love birthdays, even when they aren't mine!

I made Danni a card and lit her donut candle for her!

Silly birthday brace face!

She had LOTS of birthday treats!

Farrell's for Birthday Dinner!

She got a caramel sauce sundae with extra cherries!

Make a wish, Danni!!

MORE cake!!!

She got an American Girl Boy!  His name is Logan.
Gel pens!!

Danni celebrated with a FUN roller skating party!


Danni knows how to skate without the help of the skate mate!!

She still liked racing around with one, though!

Playing Red Light, Green Light on skates!

Lots of  Birthday love!

Smile! It's cake time!!

I practiced my skating too!

Danni turned 8 this year! She celebrated with a fun emoji themed roller skating party right after school got out.  Her friends had a great time skating all around our private rink!!  We had a yummy pizza lunch and skated for 3 hours!  We were worn out, but happy afterward!!  She also celebrated her birthday on her "real" day... which happened to be Father's Day this year.  Daddy let her be the boss of the day!  We had donuts and McDonald's for breakfast.  Then we had smoothies at Juice It Up for a snack.  Lunch at McDonald's before we watched a showing of 'Wonder Woman' at the movie theater.... then for dinner we went to Farrell's!  She also had a huge birthday cake to celebrate here at home!  With all of that birthdaying, Daddy didn't get to have his Father's Day presents until bedtime!  He didn't complain though, because the birthday princess had a perfect day of celebrations!!!

Memorial Day Flag Placement

Grandpa Robert got the first flag!

We also placed flags on all of Grandpa Robert's friends and neighbors.

The flags look so cool once they are all in place!

Visiting Papa Harold

I am getting too heavy to do this!!
It has become a Memorial Day weekend tradition for us to place flags at Riverside National Cemetery as a part of their "Flag For Every Hero" program.  Mommy and Daddy think that is gives us an appreciation of why we have a 3-day weekend.  We also get an opportunity to visit Grandpa Robert and Papa Harold which is nice for the entire family.  It is so cool to see the cemetery transform... when we get there in the morning there are no flags, and when we leave, they are everywhere.  We are very appreciative of all of those who have served our country!